The participating researchers
Scientific Directors
Prof. Dr. Markus Kotzur, LL.M. (Duke Univ.)
Markus Kotzur is the academic director of the Hamburg-Vigoni Forum. He holds the Chair of European and International Law at the University of Hamburg, where he is also Vice Dean for International Relations. He previously held a professorship for European Law, Public International Law and Public Law at the University of Leipzig. Professor Kotzur is also President of the Europa-Kolleg Hamburg and co-editor of a commentary on European law.
His research focusses on European and international law. Professor Kotzur regularly publishes on issues of European integration and has also written his habilitation thesis on cross-border neighborhood cooperation in Europe. He can also look back on many years of lecturing experience in Germany and abroad.
Prof. em. Dr. Gabriele Clemens
Gabriele Clemens is Professor Emeritus of Western European History at the University of Hamburg and holds a Jean Monnet Chair in European Integration History and European Studies. Among other things, she is Deputy Chair of the Scientific Directorate of the Institute for European Politics (IEP) in Berlin and a member of the Academy of Sciences in Hamburg.
Her research focusses on modern European history and the history of European integration. In two DFG-funded projects, she has examined the Europeanisation of foreign policy through the EPZ institutionalized in the early 1970s and the identity politics of European institutions based on European films.
PD Dr. Andreas Grimmel
Andreas Grimmel is a private lecturer and research associate in the Department of Political Science at the University of Hamburg. Since 2018, he has also been Research Director of the Europa-Kolleg Hamburg - Institute for European Integration.
Andreas Grimmel studied political science, law and philosophy in Hamburg, where he completed his doctorate in 2012 with a thesis on European integration in the context of law and habilitated in 2019. His research interests include the politics and institutions of the European Union, theories of international relations, regional integration and international institutions and organisations.
Prof. Dr. Armin Hatje
Armin Hatje is Professor of Public Law and European Law at the University of Hamburg. He is also Chairman of the Academic Society for European Law and co-editor of various commentaries and an encyclopaedia on European law.
His main research interests lie in the areas of European law and its relationship to national constitutional and administrative law. A particular focus is on institutional issues of the European Union, which is also one of his main areas of publication.
Prof. Dr. Cord Jakobeit
Cord Jakobeit has been Professor of Political Science, in particular International Relations, at the University of Hamburg since 2001.
He has been researching regional integration in global comparison for many years. He is currently coordinating a joint PhD project in Horizon 2020 at the University of Hamburg. In GEM STONES, which is led by the Université Libre de Bruxelles, 15 doctoral students at eight universities are investigating how changes in the global system influence the EU to interact better/worse with the world. Jakobeit is also co-editor of numerous publications on this topic, such as the 2016 collection of essays "Transnational Norm-Building Networks".
Dr. Christiane Liermann Traniello
Christiane Liermann Traniello has been Secretary General of Villa Vigoni since October 2018, where she has worked as an academic consultant since 1995. One of the focal points of her work is the political and cultural relations between Italy and Germany, which she deals with in particular in the context of academic conferences and publications.
She studied history, philosophy and Romance languages and literature (Italian) in Bonn, Siena, Karlsruhe and Zurich. She received her doctorate in 2004 with a thesis on the political thought of the philosopher-theologian Antonio Rosmini.
Dr. Holger Niemann
Holger Niemann is Personal Assistant to the Scientific Director at the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (IFSH) and Associate Fellow at the Institute for Development and Peace at the University of Duisburg-Essen.
Holger Niemann's research focusses on the social and normative foundations of global order. Using the example of the United Nations, he primarily analyses how processes of global governance in the policy fields of security and peace are shaped by controversial international norms and practices of global governance.
Prof. Dr. Ursula Schröder
Ursula Schröder has been Scientific Director of the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (IFSH) and Professor of Political Science at the University of Hamburg since 2017. She was previously Professor of International Security Policy at the Free University of Berlin.
Ursula Schröder researches the emergence and transformation of state and supranational peace and security orders in Europe and beyond. Her research interests include the reorganisation of European security architectures and the effects of international interventions in post-conflict states. As part of the Hamburg Cluster of Excellence CLICCS, she is currently investigating the strategies used by security actors to respond to the challenges of climate change.
Prof. Dr. Jörg Philipp Terhechte
Jörg Philipp Terhechte has held the Chair of Public Law, European and International Law at Leuphana University Lüneburg since 2012 and has been Vice President of this university since 2016. Since 2018, he has also been Professor for European and International Economic Law, School of Law at the University of Glasgow and Managing Director of the Institute for European Integration at the Europa-Kolleg Hamburg.
Terhechte is co-editor of various series and commentaries on European law and is a regular conference participant in the discourse on European law.
The participating researchers
Prof. Dr. Christian Calliess, LL.M. Eur
Christian Callies is a professor at the Free University of Berlin, where he holds the Chair of Public Law and European Law and an ad personam Jean Monnet Chair for European Integration. Between 2015 and 2018, he worked as a legal advisor to the planning staff of the President of the European Commission.
His research focuses on European, constitutional and environmental law. He is co-editor of a commentary on European law and an expert in the context of hearings of the German Bundestag, the European Commission and the European Parliament on constitutional and European law issues.
Dr. Deborah Cuccia
Deborah Cuccia is a research assistant at the Institute of History at the University of Hildesheim. She studied history, Romance and German studies at the Università degli Studi di Firenze and received her doctorate there and in Hildesheim (double doctorate) with a thesis on German-Italian relations from the end of the 1970s to 1990 in the context of the European integration process.
Her research focusses on modern European history with a focus on Central and Southern Europe, German and Italian history, the history of international relations and the history of European integration.
Mag. iur. Christian Friess (LL.M.)
Christian Friess is a doctoral candidate at the Faculty of Law of the University of Hamburg and a scholarship holder of the Albrecht Mendelssohn Bartholdy Graduate School of Law. Before the University of Hamburg awarded Christian Friess the academic degree of Magister Legum (LL.M.), he obtained the Bachelor académique en Droit at the University of Luxembourg and successfully completed the Master en Droit européen comparé in European Comparative Law at the University of Strasbourg.
He is currently teaching a foreign language course and is writing his doctoral thesis on European comparative criminal law policy.
Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Michael Gehler
Michael Gehler is Professor of Modern German and European History at the University of Hildesheim and Head of the Institute of History there. He also holds a Jean Monnet ad personam Chair and has been a member of the Council of the Jean Monnet Foundation for Europe in Lausanne since 2020.
In his research, Gehler has focussed for many years on the history of European integration, which he has examined from various perspectives. For example, he was a member of the peer review committee for the collection "European integration studies" of the CVCE, Château de Sanem, Luxembourg and is editor of the series "Arbeitskreis Europäische Integration".
Prof. Dr. Eva Gabriele Heidbreder
Eva Heidbreder is Professor of Political Science specializing in governance in the European multi-level system at Otto von Guericke University in Magdeburg. Her research focuses on policy-making in the European Union, in particular networked policy implementation between member states, forms of participation in policy-making, and current issues such as Brexit.
Heidbreder is a member of the board of the German Political Science Association and a spokesperson for various subdivisions of international professional associations.
Prof. em. Dr. h.c. Hartmut Kaelble
Hartmut Kaelble is Professor Emeritus of History at the Humboldt University of Berlin. Between 2004 and 2009, he also held a visiting professorship at the College of Europe in Bruges and was a member of the History Selection Committee of the European Research Council. Until 2009, he was also co-director of the Centre for Comparative European History.
Kaelble's research focusses on the comparative social history of Europe and the history of European integration. He has contributed to numerous publications in this field, both as an editor and as an author, and has recently published works such as "Der verkannte Bürger: Eine andere Geschichte der europäischen Integration seit 1950" and "Eine europäische Gesellschaft? On the Social History of Europe from the 19th to the 21st Century".
Dr. Roberto Luppi
Roberto Luppi has been a research fellow at Villa Vigoni, the German-Italian Centre for European Dialogue, since 2020. He previously worked for the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Culture Committee of the Italian Parliament's Chamber of Deputies.
Luppi studied at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster and at the LUMSA University in Rome, where he also received his doctorate in 2020. He has completed study and research stays at the Universidad Católica Argentina in Buenos Aires and at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend (Indiana). His publications focus on the analysis of virtues, theories of justice and transitional justice. He is the editor of the anthology "John Rawls and the Common Good".
Prof. Dr. Kirsten Schmalenbach
Kirsten Schmalenbach has been Professor of International and European Law at the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg since 2010. She previously held a corresponding professorship at the Karl Franzens University of Graz. Among other things, she is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board for European Law of the Austrian Foreign Ministry and of the Scientific Editorial Board of the International Organisations Law Review.
In her research, Schmalenbach focuses in particular on the law of international organizations, which she also dealt with in her habilitation thesis. Her research focusses on the external relations of the European Union.