The Hamburg-Vigoni Forum - About us
The Hamburg-Vigoni Forum attempts to bring research and politics into dialogue with each other in an innovative way. The focus is less on day-to-day political details than on an overall concept of integration policy: "Space - Sovereignty - Identity", the narratives of integration and disintegration, which are familiar but not yet sufficiently questioned in terms of their relevance for concrete European policy concepts for the future. The aim is to provide politicians with offers of interpretation, reflected in academic reflection and theoretically informed, in order to explain where Europe comes from and where it is going, to make it more tangible and tangible for citizens and to make it possible for them to experience it in their everyday reality.
The series of conferences will address the central question "What holds Europe together? This question is to be placed in a global context that is marked by major changes and substantial upheavals. In its search for identity, Europe must respond to these global challenges and, in the struggle for a multilateral world order, remain and become a powerful actor in shaping and acting. European answers to global questions are thus also being sought.
To this end, the University of Hamburg, in the framework of its European strategy as a university of excellence, the Europa-Kolleg Hamburg, the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy, and the Villa Vigoni have joined forces to stimulate a constructive discourse on European policy with the participation of leading scholars. In the period from 2021 to 2026, a total of seven scientific conferences will be held, alternating between the Villa Vigoni and Hamburg. Supported by experienced partners, a forum can thus be created to provide lasting impulses for the overarching discourse on the future of Europe initiated by the EU Commission.